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"Spetstehmontazh"Ltd. started its activities in 2000 in Ryazan. The company deals with recycling of lead (lead scrap, lead alloys (secondary), remelted lead (raw lead or lead bullion), lead battery scrap, spent acid storage batteries, cable cover, typography font, balancing weights). Manufactured products are Pure Lead (Pb 99.985% (С1), Pb 99.95% (С2), Pb 99.97% (С2С), Pb 99.9% (С3), Pb 99.5% С3С), Antimony Lead Alloy (PbSb 1%, PbSb 2,5%, PbSb 3% (ССуА) and other alloys (ССу, УС)). Upon customer's request can be made lead alloys with different contents of antimony, tin, arsenic, copper, selenium.

"Spetstehmontazh" Ltd. has modern equipment for processing of lead, its own laboratory and a great experience of manufacture of lead products. In 2008 the company made the modernization of existing equipment and purchased new equipment, thus reducing the amount of harmful emissions and significantly reduce waste.

In the Market of lead production "Spetstehmontazh" Ltd. earned a reputation as a reliable partner, not only among domestic consumers and foreign partners and it is always ready for dialogue with potential partners. The company has been steadily developing and expanding its product range, maintaining high quality standards

ПРОДАЕМ марочный свинец С2, С2С, ССУА.


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Ltd. SpetsTehMontazh MyMetal